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View: Reference philosophy

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The Reference philosophy that changes the facts in time.

Simple explanation

This view is to use during creation of cinematic reconstructions of passed happened incidents, with the motivation to learn how not to do it next time.
This is done by changing facts that caused the link to inflicted damage during the time, to have changed in advance.
In fact by only change the reference in time, almost all featurefilm stories do so.
Compare this with a computer's memory: changing the history in terms of time.
This constantly happens in political propaganda, deliberately as a lie.
At Casting International we use this in movies to educate about how the Human mind works.

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Intellectual explanation (this is why this view a philosophy)

The following is a view of the concept of 'history' that is different from the conventional doctrine as that
"the historical awareness is a logical Science (that excludes coincidence) in case of how the World became as today, because the present 'became-as-it-is' is from the past".

The dissenting view is that this contemporary current history-doctrine has the status of means, in order to make, together with ‘co-incidence’, from the present a future (purpose).

By this method, history teaching become a consciousness cultivation of the present by applying private-and universal responsibility for the future (...).

The 'reference philosophy that changes the facts in time’ is about
improvement the relationship between history and current events, for the future.

This is an essence within the Audio-visual concept 'RECO';
'RECO' means (a special form of) cinematic reconstructions.
RECO's relate to a combination of several historic place related events, all related to one item in which the terms of content of the message are already for a longer time up to date.
Fictional characters act out the history, which is reflected in short movie plays.
RECO's aim to transfer 'the lessons learned from the past' on an entertainment-way to (the largest possible) viewing audience.

The reference philosophy has received her understanding by the computer science, in which the history of the software completely is to change by manipulation of the reference point.

  • The use as cinematography view / philosophy is not contrary (rather additional) with religions.

This is a short summary.
For more information, such as how this view / philosophy is realized optimally in the film product, please contact Casting International by using the button below

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