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All words marked with * are explained in the
Search&Find-engine for all questions about Casting International.


In particular, the intention is that RTPK-subscribers will make the distances (from high to low, and from inside to outside) of the United Nations-decisionmakers to the World population smaller, by short communication lines that give advices from low to high and from the outside to the inside.
This is not to overrule the UN-officials who makes the decisions, but to transform the way of making tactical decisions by the UN-officials.
This will happen by offering innovative ideas of the World inhabitants through a digital crowdsourching system with artificial intelligence, that selects out of all the many remarks, questions, advices, opinions of our subscribers the best innovative views as advices that focus on solutions for specific universal problems.


Subscribers are part of the consumer market, together with the general public / the viewers: our target groups.
Media consumers are usually the financial indirectly related target groups as the viewers.
Only the group of subscribers are directly financial related: they are 'the users'.

Subscribers pay monthly subscription fees by which they have more privileges than the viewers.
The subscription fees are financially relative low, because the volume of subscribers is more important than the amount of fees we receive.

By a subscription everyone can shop for, and receive free of other costs ‘interactive education’.

Very many subscribers Worldwide are important for the business of the Holding Company So speak! ... Ltd,
not only because subscriptions are 1 of the 4 income sources of this Holding (see the business model), but above all they are as users our most concerned consumers.

The subscribers get crowdsourcing possibilities as their main extra tool.
Crowdsourcing means: the use of a large group not pre-specified individuals (professionals, volunteers, interested parties) for consultancy, innovation, policy making, research, and voting rights within the 5 main RTPK TV-channels, on areas of:

  • participation,
  • advices from bottom to top,
  • advices from the outside to the inside

in cases of implementation of advice procedures for tactical decisions to be made by the United Nations officials and those who direct the Filmthis!...-orders.
The crowdsourching system has artificial intelligence that searches constantly for the most innovative views in the remarks, questions, advices and opinions that the subscribers/users give by the interaction possibilities on each channel of the internet TVstation.
This is one of the reasons why Reality-TV of the Purple Peace Keepers is completely different compared with conventional TV-broadcastings and UN-TV: these crowdsourchings make the gap between civilians and decision-makers smaller.
People becomes more involved.


Compared to ''the general'' (non-paying) other consumers / viewers, subscribers can more or less participate in productions.

They have the following rights:

  1. Use of advices-interaction possibilities: they receive their own 'Making of ...-team’, they can direct more or less their own live programs;
  2. Following directly production processes on sets;
  3. Expressing ''their own original'' point of view of observation that will be heard by the artificial intelligence;
  4. They may watch on realtime Channel 3 + 5 of RTPK (within certain security levels).
  5. They have (if applicable) less time-delayed effects in reality while watching RTPK channels 3 and 5.
  6. By the interaction possibilities they receive internet tools to influence the live programs by crowdsourcings;
  7. The same, but less intense, counts for designed advertisements;
  8. Subscribers receive 1 higher security level information than viewers;
  9. Subscribers may vote during casting shows;
  10. Subscribers are licensed 1 level deeper in the Search&Find-engine encyclopedias (for knowledge-sharing) of channel 1 and channel 2 of RTPK.


Concrete example (1): SUBSCRIPTION-education on RECO-TV (1st channel RTPK):
The 1st internet channel of the Reality-TV station shows all kinds of 'RECO' programs.
The viewer can find here entertainment (including adds) free of costs;
The user / subscriber can in addition of her/his education* motif, play film-scenes-programs in 4 languages of his/her choice. This makes RECO-TV interactive.

Channel 1 of RTPK has for the subscribers an encyclopedic* database as a knowledge centre, that educate by blocks and scenes visualizations of film-reconstructions*, sharing knowledge about the relationship between 'consciousness' and 'the fate of coincidence*".

The idea is that the consumer wants to choose from our encyclopedias* because it's a relaxing way of learning about yourself.
Therefore a subscription needs to have a low financial threshold: as much as possible people educate themselves in the broadest sense of the word in terms of awareness, peace, and the main basic-objectives of the United Nations (Human Rights).
This interaction possibility gives teachings in eg. what is 'self', 'yourself', and/or 'identification'.

A subscriber type ''voodoo influence on Human Rights'' in the Search&Find-engine;
He/she then gets multiple tags, including Mediaplan Uganda story 33: Feature film: ‘Witches and Witchcraft in Uganda', for example this one:

  • Scène 2.2: Animation combi videofilm: calculations; MONOLOGUE;
    Voodoo witches sacrifice children for the wealth and health of paying clients.
  • Talking Head:   In Uganda, there are about 2,500 voodoo priests, each sacrifices in their lives an
  •                           average of 70 children for clients.
  •                           They pay for an offering of $.150 per child. This is 2.500 x 70 = 175.000 children per generation, with a market turnover of over 26 million US-dollars.
  •                           The average working life of a voodoo priest is 50 years.
  •                           Per year there are (175.000 : 50 =) 3.500 children offered.
  •                           That is 290 children per month = 10 children per day…
  •                           Whose hearts, lungs, and blood are fed to spirits !
  •                           But … those spirits themselves, are not requesting this at all !..
  • Education:       Article 3 Universal Rights of Man RIGHT TO LIFE LIBERTY SECURITY OF PERSON:

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

  • Talking Head:     In my past I had become a victim of such a voodoo witch, who sacrificed young children.…

For all viewers these RECO-programs are already earlier, as total film story or as total TV-program broadcasted on various other distribution channels as entertainment.
Advertisers and sponsors have ''eternal'' advertising expressions for viewers on RTPK;
also the subscribers see these advertisings, but less predominant in the tag-pictures of the Search&Find-engine database of the 1st internet-TVkanaal of RTPK.

Concrete example (2): SUBSCRIPTION-education on IR-TV (2nd channel RTPK):
The 2nd channel of the Reality-TV station shows all kinds of 'research-documentaries' about universal problems.
The education on this 2nd internet-TVchannel aims to combat more effectively universal problems by learning from each other's culture.

The documentaries show also how Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) solve problems.
There is no need for a decoder-machine on this knowledge-sharing channel.

For viewers the documentaries on IR-TV are free of costs to watch (in 4 languages to choose freely).
The viewer can find here infotainment: he/she click on a title, and off you go: 1 short filmpart about 1 problem, on 1 level, in 1 country.
There are to come thousands of this type of short documentary movies on this internet TV-channel.

The user / subscriber can, after logging in, also watch all programs (in 4 languages to choose freely) to see the various types and ways of tackling such an universal problem by equations.
He/she will do this from an educational knowledge-sharing motif.
The Search-engine responds to consumers questions about international development & cooperation problems by showing visualized answers and giving the possibility to compare solutions of such a problem of 10 different countries.
Putting together these comparison programs happens by an interactive* Search&Find system with a particular database.

  • Each series examines 1 universal problem in 10 different countries.
  • Each country has a documentary research part on 3 levels, with each 3 questions, 1 series has (10x3x3 + 1 (total) +3 (levels)=) 94 video clip tags.

A subscriber type ''research for not-to-infect people by the aids virus'' in the Search&Find-engine;
He/she gets multiple tags from International AIDS Researches: 10 countries = 10 x the same question, on 3 levels.
By the Search&Find-engine knowledge & experiences are bundled together, and this creativity will inspire the fight against this disease.
Advertisers and sponsors contain ''eternal'' advertising expressions for viewers;
also subscribers will see the advertising expressions, but these commercial adds are less predominant in the tagged images in the database of the 2nd internet RTPK TV channel


Starting in 2017 we have to be built up a fan club.
A fan club where people need to have a subscription for being a Member.
The fan club not only has enthusiasts for (making) movies and TV programs, but also items-interested people, schools, groups, movements and many individual engaged, so they can interact with discussions and giving their opinions about the launch of the crowdsourcing-system for the parent project RTPK (eyes, ears and mouth of and for the UN-organizations).
The fan club is experimenting with crowdsourcing systems.

First we focus on the mission, but the goal behind is much further:
the end goal is to bring democratic principles over the internet from the real world into the online game world, which gives in return the real world in terms of rule of law democracy everywhere ...

This is a summary.
If you want to become a subscriber of us, please contact Casting International by using the button below.

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