© Casting International ®

Format: International...Researches (-TV)
RTPK - channel 2

All words marked with * are explained in the
Search&Find-engine for all questions about Casting International.

Concept description of 'International...Researches (I...R)':


The 'I..R'-product is made in the Audio-Visual industry, drama branch, infotainment and edutainment sector, TV and internet documentary productions.

'I... R' stands for many kinds of international ...(= comparing universal problems) investigations.

The format is initially developed to get global problems clear in terms of causes and effects by means of cinematic research documentaries.

The investigations are in problem areas of Human Nature Interests, such as (unlimited, fill in on the ... ):
INTERNATIONAL …'reconciliation projects’, drugs, hunger, diseases as: aids, sars, smallpox, polio,

  • plague, PTST; racism, land mines, ethnic cleansing, discrimination, (combat) corruption, environmental destructions such as international sea pollution, jungle burnings or corroding ozone gases; mafia organizations, poverty, slavery, torture, or potential disasters, wars; terror groups, barbarism; Nuclear-biological-chemical-radiological warfare; addictions, phenomena as honor vengeance, death penalty, laboratory animals; new and old forms of crime, psychiatric disorders; abuse of privacy, displaced persons, and many other Human Rights violations not mentioned yet = all topics in which the UN is engaged- RESEARCHES.

You decide what has priority.

'International...Researches' look at these problems with other eyes than the news.
By comparing each country to the approach of such a problem area, it creates a consciousness in the viewer or user’s mind, that a more efficient and effective fight against its causes is possible.

There are also INTERNATIONAL social cultural RESEARCHES, eg. (unlimited):
INTERNATIONALpeace movements; the role of churches; (the various types/genres) music (instruments),

  • dance, operas, filmmakers, theatre and stage; art values; art thefts; Martial Arts; ecumenism; dealing with death, the phenomenon of 'God', interpretations of love and compassion, alternative sanctions, religions; wonders/miracles; sign languages, particularly culinary, ways of life; sects; aid development organizations, old age ('elderly' caregiving), philosophies; phobia, the variety of legal systems, norms, values, oracles; Saints; prisons, wonders of the World, interpretations of non-harm by love and compassion RESEARCHES.

You decide what has priority.

'International ... Researches' approach these topics without judgement.
By comparing the uniqueness of each country, viewers and users receive knowledge-added value.

Also we produce business trade encouraging topics as eg. (unlimited):
INTERNATIONAL …freedom of enterpreneurship, agriculture, trade and industry, weapon destruction, civil aviation,

  • paper, water, coffee, oil, beer, real estate construction, transport; lobbies, energy, export, developments of non-lethal weapon systems, aerospace research; care; insurance, future digital developments like smell within Audio-Visual and 3 D games, food creation, tourism; Virtual Reality; clones; medical research; or inventors RESEARCHES.

You decide what has priority.

'International...Researches' ask questions.
By comparing the give and take of it per country, the viewer / user receives awareness inspiration.

In addition, our specialized Audio-Visual teams can be used, to carry out researches that are commissioned by or for (unlimited) the International Criminal Court in the Hague, in the field of e.g.:

  • search for cases of criminal offences, witnesses, or otherwise.

You decide what has priority.

Critical Success Factors of the I...R-format:

  • Each research has 10 episodes as 1 serial;
  • each episode takes place in 10 different countries                                                        10
  • Each episode has 3 research levels (strategic, tactical, technical)                                 x 3
  • Each level has the same 3 questions                                                                             x 3 = 90 tags
  • Each research has at least 90 + 1x episode + 3x levels in the episode                  = 94 video clip tags.

Viewing a TV program (one entire TV-episode) is free of costs (Worldwide).
The users (subscribers) can make, as extra, comparisons by the Search&Find-engine of the video tags in the databank (edutainment).

International Researches are always on 3 levels:

The 1st is the strategic level: the view on the approach of the problem nationwide.
Interviewees include e.g. (unlimited): a Minister, a spin doctor, or a parliamentarian.
A question is e.g. (unlimited): what are the guiding laws to address the problem.

The 2nd level, the tactical, examine what methods the appropriate bureaucracy must operate within the given laws;
interviewees include e.g. (unlimited): a university, a mayor, or a general.

The 3rd, technical level explores what happens locally - operationally, from citizen to citizen; from Human to Human.
Interviewees include e.g. (unlimited): a patient, his doctor, or buddy.

Each country-episode has a length duration of 25 minutes.
After 10 episodes, a TV-compilation will be created, and as part of a talk/show in a studio analyzed by domain-knowledge specialists.
The mix of infotainment and education in such show about how to solve this universal problem is aimed at a large Worldwide audience of Being Human.

The pilot serial of the film documentaries-format 'International Researches', can start with an investigation about the refugees problem.
Examples of tags are:

These 3 examples were R&D pilots, testing the ability to specify the format in its development.

A research-team

A (trained) research team direct itself, and consists basically of a cameraman, producer/photographer and presenter/interviewer.
In addition, an interpreter may support the team, and in countries with an higher safety risk there is always a Research Director with them.
The crew-on-location has a 24 hours a day safety backup in Netherlands, being the (front-office) Desk researcher / producer / Voice Over, having contact by (satellite) telephone (min. total of 5 teammembers).
Staff support for teams in the fields, located at one of the offices of the Holding So speak!... BV, are: an editor, a transcribeerder, an ICT application technician, a marketer, a (back-office) researcher/instructor, and a sound technician.

The presenter is a personality:
Someone who asks questions like Socrates (see the heading below), who presents as a spokesman, who gives attention to the personal account of a interviewee.
In addition, the presenter / host give attention to the historical-social, economic and Human Rights situation in the country concerned.
Presentations and interviews includes the one-taste* view.
The one-taste looks for matches with the Human Nature and not to disparities.
Not accusing, but taking your own responsibility, is the strategic message.
In the one-taste view there is no personal-political meaning. Not me-me-me, but us Humans.

The production-intent is to initiate within 4 years a minimum of 8 production teams, each creating and producing one 'I..R serial' every 2 months.
But first, start small with 2 teams in well-prepared structures.


  • This I..R format creates a new market with an innovative TV- & internet product, the audience ask for it.
  • The innovative is the interactive education, that is different than the existing plastic content where there is so much of it.
  • Essence (1) is that advertisers and sponsors receive ''eternal'' advertising for their consumers through the underlying internet database Search&Find-engine on the 2nd TV-channel of RTPK (see hereunder).
  • Essence (2) is that each episode has Dutch-, English-, German-, French-and Spanish basic-language versions.

Production cost per 'I..R-serial’:

The production budget /-costs vary, because they depend on each of the 10 countries to visit, and the serial topic, and the content (e.g.: bodyguards for the crew in higher violence risks area’s; use of interpreters; accommodation and food drinks in hotels instead of being at UN or NGO’s locations in the field; or the salaries of the production team members in relation to their ranks (experiences) and compensations that vary per country).

The 2nd TV-channel of RTPK

IR-TV is an online TV-station where the subscriber make from an encyclopedia* databank, his/her own TV shows.
This TV station is very innovative*. The design is not-commercial, only serves to operate cost recovery.
Putting together your own interactive TV-program happens by the Search&Find-engine for video-tags.
This engine responds to consumer questions by visualized answers about international development & cooperation problems.
The visualized answers are the minimum 94 video clip-tags per research (see above under 'critical success factors').
The answers also show how Non-Governmental Organizations neutralize Universal problems.
The education in this 2nd internet-TV-channel is aimed at cultivating an universal sense of responsibility*.
There will be also ads on this channel for PR and fundraising for Charity Organizations.

This 2nd channel broadcasts only the interactive documentaries in the serials format 'International...Researches’.
Viewers (Worldwide) of IR-TV can watch free of costs without a decoder.

By the knowledge-sharing Search&Find-engine only subscribers/users can make interactive comparisons by themselves, meanwhile they advise by crowdsourchings.

The questions-philosophy of Socrates

The interview method of I ..R-format is that of Socrates: the consciousness of the 'do not know' is paramount;
Central it states the non-judging.

All interviews are aimed at the cause, this is the invisible thread.

Casting International is asking of employees for a clear and in-depth understanding of actual causes, courage for by searching askings, and the intelligence to do that without getting into trouble.
Finding causes is the key of the research-journey by discovery.
The designated roads to this are scientific knowledge, psychological and spiritual insight (understanding about well-being and clarity of the functioning of the Human mind), tact, and last but not least, absolute integrity!

The Greek Socrates developed a method for high-quality in-depth interviews.
This is in contrast to the still prevailing main culture, to have an own opinion.
His starting point of this research was not to display as if the interviewer 'knows it better'.
After all, who knows better, can nothing learn, as he or she already know "it".
By asking people questions and to let them think about their own answers, an interviewer can follow the thoughts of interviewees, their practice, and understand their underlying experienced emotions.

There is also needed a certain courage to let the interviewees and the public realize where the weak points in their ''own opinion’’ are, which is not always easy to accept.
At this point an interviewer will need an incredible tact, both for self-protection with certain interviewees, as well as to the search for a solution (to the examined problem) to do the productional work.

By not judging, but to stay open for another, an interviewer offer the ability for interviewees to express themselves more freely, and slowly but surely find his/her motivations again as a discovery by this innovative way ...
Hence, the interviewer should generate a natural kindness of compassion, particularly on the unconscious level.

The deeper the interviewer knows to arouse confidence (by not judging), and -most importantly- manages for making contact, fears and expectations (for condemnation) to whittle down, the greater the chance that an interviewee will take time to answer thoughtfully, and then will start thinking about his-her act and responsibilities.
That is why it is important that ´I...R-interviewers´ are innovative and able to create an atmosphere of serenity.

The recognition of ´non-knowing´ makes it possible to open up a mind like a sponge for impressions; this is named 'the beginners-mind' in the Zen-tradition.

Self understanding is the key for solving problems.
An aggressor should be approached as if it there is no problem (although the illusion of created dependency/involvement must be avoided too!).
Any kind of judgement, aware, but also especially unconsciously, will likewise picked up conscious and unconscious by the interviewee.
An interviewer should interviewing, as if his/herself, his/her personality, is not presented.

Interviewees who think about themselves, can see their own actions and reasons, get a more accurate picture of themselves, and can by this way change their actions, and hence their life.

Therefore, to focus on the personality of the interviewee is the correct input.
Does’nt most of us like to talk about themselves?

This is the moment when correct understanding of the term one-taste* is paying off.
No fights, but mutual understanding.

In this sense, asking questions about a person's life, showing friendly and really heartfelt interest, is an effective approach to someone.
Moreover, an interviewer shows not to be afraid, transfer functions, and he/she presents him/herself as not available as potential victim.
Without having to fight for leadership, or better, against non-leadership, this interviewer’s initiative take the freedom to ask.
This is very important for the rest of the interview and thus essence of each I...R-project.
If not, an interview may be dictated by a dominant subject and thus mislaying the key question.

Kindness, joy and sincerity are the weapons with which the interviewer secure his or her freedom of action (at least within the interview).

I-CHING LOGO NR. 18: the WORK on the decay and corruption.

General introductory
The I Ching (Chinese: the book of changes) is an Oracle book that originated during the period ± 2000-500 BC, created by many philosophers who were involved in the phenomenon of 'coincidence’ in relationship with 'consciousness'.
After those 1500 years of development, it was Confucius who codified the book.
The I Ching as a phenomenon is a living (not feeling) being: it gives the user an advice.
Freely translated: If someone has a problem or question, the I Ching gives by a co-incidence procedure, a view that is different from 'normal usual'.
The view/the advice comes from another part of the World, from a different culture, from a different epoch, making it downplays along the lines of:

'you also can see it this way …'.

Core will always remain

'if you find this advice useful, use it!;
If not - do not,
because purpose in life is to be yourself'.

We have series about aids, old ages, refugees, disarmament, etc etc.
It does not require decoding, and it is free of costs for audiences. The format shows the positive work and positive results of NGO's, foundations, and unions to audiences. It also supports them by fund-raising and PR.

It is ultimately the responsibility of the user her/himself to interpret this advice cq. to use it or not.

Introduction of the logo:

Each larger film/TV-program-format developed by Casting International has its own I Ching logo.

This I...R logo falls in ' the House of the benevolent '; the Chinese name means 'a dish in which the content have developed by worms: the decay'.
The decay is caused by indifference, followed by rigid slowness.
The result is neglection.
Therefore, this I…R-format incentive is to make that well again.
See here what this 2nd internet-RTPK TV-channel do: 'It works the decay away'.

Because what is spoiled by Humans, can by work of Humans made healthy again.
It is not a grim fate, but abuse of Human freedom, what the destruction has caused.
We only must do not shy away from the hard work and the dangers, therefore it is prerequisite to communicate about everything that is required.
This work should be addressed with honor and with vigilance.
Starting point: search the causes that have led to the decay.
Then: find concrete solutions to stop this corruption; better: to transform into the light of progress.
Instead of indifference and inertia, which have led both to the decay, the search and transformation needs to be with energetic determination.
Clear the lukewarmness out of the way by shaking up the public view (such as the wind shakes everything through eachother); Society innovation is showing the image that the vicissitudes of the emotional mind (and that of fashion) bring decay in Human society…

More details:

  • The rigid stick to traditions, that resulted in the decay, is in crept into previous generations of Mankind. Neutralizing must take place without accusing, and concerns a reform that has a danger in it if frivolous is conceived.
  • If corrupted business is to be raised, this will need to be done by tact and a certain delicate consideration, not to harm the previous generations that created the decay.
  • Please note that interests of constitutioned stakeholders will work like sugar in the gasoline = syrup and irritations will rise up: let blame not comes over you and stay full of energy.
    Our weapon against anti-cooperation for condemn the problems will lead to blame for them.
  • When working on decay caused by negligence, there is a need for cooperation with as up to purpose: a new beginning; and at least a thorough reform.
  • It is wise/inner developed to establish Human awareness discussions, not to force binding character and also to be independent of politics;

That does not say to register only camera-technical, or only to give criticism.
That would, however, like to say to contribute to the achievement of the Human values for the future, the higher destiny of Mankind.

The I-Ching texts above are interpreted-translated by Casting International.


'International...Researches' is a new-innovative TV and internet-format for documentaries.
The researches investigate the causes of global problems and universal items, they display alternative solutions; startling because of the various cultural perspectives.
You can follow the adventures of our presenters both on conventional TV, as well on the innovative interactive online-TV station 'IR-TV’: Channel 2 (2nd company) RTPK:
(RTPK Channel 2, see sub-menu: 'the 5 media-channels').

For this knowledge-sharing channel there is no need for expensive decoders, and it is financially-easy accessible to subscribers.

This online RTPK TV channel 2 operates according to an entrepreneurial plan, costs-price = sales price, and is thus in line with (N)GO-clients.
Also companies also can use this kind of investigations for image building and image-association, and provide ‘Filmthis!...-commands’.

The format shows the positive work and the positive results of NGOs, foundations, and associations to the large global audience.
It supports them with fundraising and PR.
International ... Research-TV combines creative help to make a better World of (N)GO's with ads of commercial business.
Trade is the key to the global problems. Trading is giving and taking.
Trade activation also means work, labour:

If people work,
they don’t have the time to fight.

Per serial one camera crew examines, for 10 TV episodes, each of 25 minutes, the causes of and alternative solutions of one specific universal problems in 10 different cultures.

After 10 episodes a compilation is to be made as a talkshow, in a studio with specialists who analyze.
The mix of information with edutainment will reach a large Worldwide audience.

Prices per research depend on the countries to visit.

Each International…Research team needs 1½ month to make 1 serial-program.
Silent force behind every research is international experience exchanges.
Starting point is: 'what can we learn from other cultures to solve universal problems'.
After the regular TV-broadcasts each subscriber can interactively* consult the encyclopedia* of ‘IR-TV’.

The subscriber wants and likes to choose from our encyclopedias* because it's a relaxing way of learning.

I ... R is summarized in 10 minutes in the video: proof of concept.

All of the above is an excerpt.
For more information, such as how to optimally realize this format to a 24 hours - 7 days a week - 365 days a year educational interactive TV-medium for knowledge-sharing communication solving universal problems, please contact Casting International by using the button below

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