© Casting International ®

Business network

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The business relationship network:

A business network is the systematic collection of contact details of people with whom the company can become more or less connected for a relationship,
in which collaborative knowledge sharing can arise on basis of a common goal.
Mouthful for ''we know each other, we do something together in the area of film-making, by giving and taking''.

Film-& TV-making is especially working with people and organizations.
Casting International has relations with numerous networks, largely based on personal title.
The entire business network focuses on visualizations, but is very usable for conceptual investigations.

All network information is focused on conflicts visualizations for problem shooting.
These conflicts are classified in:

The production of the Audio-Visual images can be compared with mirror images:
everything in a mirror image, can possibly have to be sought for film-/TV-purposes.
These are limitless many phenomena *.

What you can see in a mirror, is to categorize into 6 main groups:

  • environment(s);
  • Subject(s);
  • Item(s);
  • Characteristics of the above;
  • Relationships between above;
  • Identification lines.

The relationship networks are production-oriented or marketing-oriented: strategic partners and tactical partners.
These main groups each have an infinite number of shapes.
There is developed a special archive-system, as a closed website that is prepared for the near future to post all those networks under the name 'CastingInternational-Extranet'. This site supports the mission.

For example, if there are film-shootings in Uganda: where are prof. actors to find, safe sleeping places, (tamed) lions, helicopters, uniforms, romantic places, permits for Special Effects, reliable interpreters; etc etc;
and in Turkey; and Mongolia; etc etc. ..

The casting network is a set of people to produce in cooperation 'images'.
These main groups each have an infinite number of shapes.
Images have in their search-process ingredients;
These are for example:
locations, animals, stories, props, stunts, etc. etc., and especially people, the cast: actors (m/f), figuration, specials, types, etc). But there are also networks of crews, Staffs, and consultants (see also advisors).

There are forms of production partnership, for example with Research Directors (format I. .. R), pre-productional producers or project-coordinators.

The relationship networks are production-oriented or marketing-oriented: strategic partners and tactical partners.

Digital social networks are here part of.
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The archiving system 'Extranet-CastingInternational':

Archiving of this information is based on the (production) basic philosophy.

There is* nothing* that does not exist;
All can be AudioVisualised and anything may ... (not ...?).

The files can visualize more than able everything, through the direct and/or indirect relationship networks. The system consists of production* files {for divisions as: traffic, creativity*, people, materials, administration, marketing, growth*-, and project files (of all the operating companies -in creation-.)}
For overlaps there is a reference system.
Information that is not in the system is such as:

  • all with numbers (e.g. listings),
  • sport, and
  • politics.

This system is clear and works well.
Even an outsider is able to find its way in there, because all information is indicated by means of comprehensive indexes.

In cases concerning 'castings', the company has the view not speaking about competitors, but about colleagues or friendly-competitors;
This has to do with the basic philosophy, where for example despite the large networks, there is yet still not that one huge Japanese sumo wrestler while there is a good chance, that colleagues or friendly competitors have one or more in their network.

Above is a summary.
For more information, for example, because our networks together are more powerful, please contact Casting International using the button below.

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