© Casting International ®

Crowd fundings

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The 'marketing' within the Holding So speak!... Ltd is organized in 6 categories:

  1. strategic markets: business funding and crowd fundings
  2. Tactical markets: distributions and sales of ©rights
  3. technical markets: advertisers & sponsors and subscriptions
  4. Audience / users
  5. Logistics markets 
  6. Market surveys

On this page, category 1 will be explained: the strategic markets, part CROWD FUNDINGS.

We ask:
- working capital for expeditions & projects film shootings.

We offer:
- high financial returns through interest
- investments where your heart is
- special gadgets.

Central in the strategic market is the input of working capital.

We ask for working capital by aiming at two types of clients:

  1. Business investors/participants.
    Making money comes to them by investments and participations with as much as possible certainties.
    For our enterprise the main discourse is to sell (co-) ownershiprights and power of disposal rights, leaving capital funding available for a defined period to ensure 5 years of business continuity for 5 business organizations and their logistics.
  2. Crowd-investors.

    The crowd are people who put money in film productions to earn extra money.
    Crowd investors provide production financing of all necessary resources of film adaptations and expeditions: money for salaries, travel expenses, etc for the crews and casts, extension of staffers, locations, protections, liaisons, rent special equipment and procedures (administrative and production).
    The intrinsic value that CI(SU) offer crowd-investors is: 'earning on a funny way a lot of extra money'.


Calls to Crowd-fundings are for film production of formats and projects,
and governs financing with a maturity of up to 3 years, min. 1 year, on average 2 years
in order to finance a staff with team(s): wages, workingbudgets, and to fund expenses;
Production costs vary from €.30,000 to € 1½ M  per film production.

Crowd-investors are actually the financial providers of various types of film projects that are taken into production lines. These customers provide the working capital / the funding for the productions.

The input of money by this strategic market shall be organized on a separate ''CROWD-FUNDING website'' of the Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions (1) (in formation), through written agreements in which shares per filming is traded with limited legal liability for the buyers/crowd-investors.

In short: CROWD investors who participate in 1 or more of our film productions are active in 'the economic light of progress'.

The following is an outline of further development of the plan for the Crowd fundings:


The idea behind crowd-fundings is that many individuals invest a small amount and that these small investments together every time finance fully a film project and/or expedition.
These small investors are named the Crowd.

Our 'Crowd fundings' are a form of public financing, while at the same time there are various direct contacts between investors and entrepreneur.
The investors can be a group or individual persons, both business owners and private individuals.

To acquire a working budget-capital, the Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions (2) (in formation) offers film projects to an 'own' internet platform with a prospectus per film project cq. per expedition that should be financed.
In each prospectus there is minimal:

  • a description of the film / expedition;
  • the necessary amount, and
  • financial forecasts describing real strength-weakness-analysis.

Then it is up to the visitor of our 'Crowd fundings website' to invest money.
Our crowdfunding platform (in formation) facilitates in the correct emergence of the film project shares issues.

On our crowdfunding Web site, the invested money goes not directly to the project;
the Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions pay the money only to the (licensed) production organisations (Casting International LtdSecond Unit Ltd and/or the Foundation ANBI-RTPK) when 100% of the required amount for the relevant film production is received.
If this 100% is not achieved, the investors get the money back they have invested in the project.

Crowdfunding is based on crowdsourchings; this means that the investors could determine how the film product -that is still in the paper stage-, ultimately will look like. They can also advice throughout the film production process, and they have standard for this right their own video production team as ‘eyes and ears' for themselves.

Our internet crowdfundingsplatform (in development, i.o.) offers many different film projects from which investors can choose.
So the crowd determines which projects are credible enough to invest in, so that these projects can develop themselves further.

The investment-itself and the interests are to pay with first priority to the Crowd, within max. 3 years, on average in 2 years.


The Crowd are people who put money in film productions to earn extra money.
The intrinsic value that CI(SU) its customers from this market gives is: 'making a lot of money'.
Crowd-investors have the aim to earn in the medium term (max. 3 years) 40% interest in total (an average of 20% per year) with their invested money.

The added value for every 'Crowd-investor' in projects of
the ' Holding So speak! ... BV ' is:
a good money earner.

Crowd investors provide production financing of all necessary resources of film adaptations and expeditions: money for salaries, compensations, travel expenses, etc for the crews and casts, extension of staffers, locations, special equipment to rent and (administrative and production) procedures.


See also art. 2 of our terms and conditions.
Crowd-investors are mainly private investors, who finance individual film productions, series episodes and/or expeditions.
The maximum amount by one investor to invest is €. 10,000 (TEN THOUSAND euros) per film, cq. €. 40,000 (FORTY THOUSAND EURO) per series (each series consists of 4 movies) or expedition.
The minimum investment is €. 500 (five HUNDRED DOLLARS) per film or series or expedition.

Crowd- investors finance one or more film productions based on realized pré-productions.
Realized preproductions (per movie / series / expedition) are:

A CROWD-investment gives 40% fixed interest in up to 3 years.
This maximum period of three years is necessary because organizing costs a ½ year, and production & distributions up to 2½ years (minimum of a ½ year).
Very interesting about these investments is that the CROWD-funders, in addition to high efficiency, contribute to a better World / charities, that has many extras and great benefits, such as:

  • the right to receive 2 presentations (before and after an expedition) during a private dinner; as well as
  • the ability to co-write in certain scripts, and for film versions (mostly abroad) to advise (from a distance);
  • a (web-)DVD of the film that is partly financed by the investor; and
  • the eavesdroppings and advising and sending during the shootings abroad via their 'own' video production team.


Crowdfunding is risky, you can lose the money.
Crowd-funding in General has risks, because investors have limited legal liability.

  1. The biggest risk is not received back the invested amount.
    The Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions neutralizes this risk by the invested money first to pay out only to the (licensed) production organisations
    (Casting International Ltd
    Casting International Second Unit Ltd and/or
    the (ANBI = General Utility Foundation) RTPK)
    if 100% of the required amount for the relevant film production is in.
    If this is not achieved, all of this money goes back to the investors who had invested in that project.

  2. In addition, there is the risk that the investor does not receive the agreed interest.
    The Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions neutralizes this risk, by paying back the Crowd with the very first preference to these investors.

  3. Investors have an unclear picture of the opportunities, procedures and risks.
    The Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions neutralizes these risks, by full and correct (very comprehensive) information about its businesses and activities through its websites.

  4. If the purpose of a crowdfunding, getting working capital is, that may be a sign that it goes less with the Organization, because there is not enough money to pay the ongoing obligations.
    The Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions neutralizes this risk, because retrieving working capital is structurally standard through crowd-fundings;
    This is inherent in the structure of the mission.
    Our film-TV-products/services generate a competitive advantage that has no short cyclical character (mode sensitivity) by her interactive knowledge-sharing database.
    This is due to our view that universal problems are especially to fix by:
    • creation of involvement of citizens (the crowd);
    • improved communication (our offer, see above);
    • education; and
    • trade (business model)

  5. Crowdfunding is innovative and hip and is an alternative to financing by the bank. Banks are full time controlling credit applications and risks. The Crowd isn’t.
    The Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions neutralizes this risk because all film projects and expeditions are offered for CROWD-investors by a prospectus website, financial forecasts and a real strength-weakness-analysis.

  6. The risk lies entirely with the crowd investor who donates money in Exchange for the finished product, if the Holding Company is unable to meet its obligations, because there is for the lender to get virtually nothing, since the Holding in no way formally liable.
    The Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions neutralizes this risk by first to ensure Business investors/participants.
    This create sustainable continuity of business operations, with a focus on productions funded by the crowd.
    In addition, the final product has already been financially secured by option contracts* of advertisers and sponsors, see our business model before the crowd-investors are approached at all. 

  7. At our crowdfundings the product must still be made.
    The control on the feasibility of the idea is difficult.

    The Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions neutralizes this risk by complying our Crowdfundings website with the directives and regulations of the AFM (Dutch Authority of Financial Markets). Before the website becomes operational, it will be submitted for approval to the AFM and to the Tax authorities. 

  8. Our film & expedition projects, as well as our culinary high returns are too good to be true.
    Preliminary: it is not true.
    The Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions neutralizes this risk because the Holding So speak! ... Ltd (in which the Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions is one of the four operating organizations) is in a growth phase, whose business activities, making film-TV, is known for their high profitability.
    Think of the reality-show Big Brother, that made the 2 Dutch ©-owners multi billionaire.

Click here for the core essences of the business model
Click here for the extensive business funding plan of the commercial arm of the mission.
See also Second Unit future
See also Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions
See also Business fundings

Above is a summary.
For more information, such as how to invest concretely in a crowd funding, please contact Casting International by using the button below

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